Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Beginning - IV

by Peeps
Appointment time was to be mid week mid afternoon by Sunday I was in BAD shape and excruciating pain, enough to send any normal person to the ER but no not me I had to wait for my ortho doctor (yes he is that good). Putting ice galore on the knee it helped enough to bring me to the next day of pain... By Monday I again called the ortho office and asked for a sooner appointment but lo and behold they didn't have one so was told to leave a message at the nurses station and see what they suggested. Okay after patiently waiting (yes I do have patience when necessary) for the return phone call I was told to take motrin and ice (okay I get it but they don't--this pain is severe--come on!). Back to what they told me.

The Beginning - III

by Peeps

Within a day or so I discovered that the cortisone (which the doctor said he would not have to see me for 2 weeks) did not relieve the pain to the knee. What was up with this??? But the doctor said to wait at least 2 weeks to check back in if not better. Of course I go by the book and called one week in after the cortisone and got in the following week (WHICH WAS NOT SOON ENOUGH).

The Beginning - II

by Peeps

After waiting 2 weeks to get into the orthopedic's office I finally got to see one of them (who by the way just happened to specialize in knees and hips-hooray!). After taking a look and moving my knee around a bit he thought we should take the conservative approach and start with a cortisone injection to the knee--wow slight pain!!

Back to work ( I had only left a little early the day before for the initial ortho appointment so no real time missed thus far) and carrying on with my many duties of merchandising and walking and standing all day long for 8 or more hours on a cement floor, at home standing, vacuuming etc--regular chores- you probably GET IT!

The Beginning - I

by Peeps

One day I was walking and working pain free the next I was experiencing left knee pain with every step (or so it seemed). What was going on, this was unacceptable for me since I am a very active person acting 1/2 my age all the time. Togging along every day was an effort so the doctor was called and an appointment set up to check out my knee pain. The doctor was a bit baffled but thought it was very very early arthritis and sent me down for an X-ray. Being the good girl that I am I did so immediately and had to wait over the weekend for results. The results showed minimal narrowing nothing conclusive for my pain so the doctor referred me to an orthopedic practice--ONWARD. All the while in pain but still working on my feet non stop sucking in the pain and not complaining.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Girls Roadtrip!

by Katie

Practicing with my new camera on a trip to Chatfield, MN for Easter.
